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宝马格新闻发布及BICES 2011参展产品
www.ecran-design.com   2011-10-19  中国江南正规平台
导读: 宝马格新闻发布及BICES 2011参展产品  BOMAG press release and products at BICES 2011  请参观位于室外东广场, 展位E315  Please visit BOMAG booth at East Square Outdoor, E315  宝马 ...

     宝马格新闻发布及BICES 2011参展产品

  BOMAG press release and products at BICES 2011

  请参观位于室外东广场, 展位E315

  Please visit BOMAG booth at East Square Outdoor, E315


  BOMAG news release


  BOMAG is glad to announce the following news:

  宝马格公司基于多年的路面机械设计生产经验,成功的扩大产品范围,开始提供铣刨机和摊铺机。经过在各工地多次的场地测试和不断改善。在欧美成功运行后在2011年度正式在中国实现销售。宝马格摊铺机产品包括了摊铺宽度为3-10m的多种机型,包括履带式和轮胎式。首台宝马格摊铺机BF 300 C即以其优异的摊铺质量,良好的可操作性等获得用户及业主的认可。而首批2台2米级别的宝马格铣刨机BM 2000也已经进入中国新疆,正在服务于新疆道路养护工作。宝马格凭借其多年的业内经验,了解用户的需求,将持续不断的推出适用的,可靠的,成本低廉的设备,服务于广大客户。

  Based on the successful experience in field of road machinery, Bomg has expanded its products range, and begin to supply planers and pavers. After field tests and continuous improvement, we sold first unit in China in 2011 after good operation in Europe/America. The Bomag paver including products range from paving width 3-10 m, includes crawler and tyre type. The first Bomag paver BF 300 C has accepted by customer and project owner due to its good paving quality, easy operation etc. And first 2 units 2 m class planer BM 2000 has shipped to Xinjiang and serves for Xinjiang road maintenance. Bomag knows customers demand upon its many years experience and will make more applicable, reliable machinery with low operation cost for our customer.

  照片中的宝马格摊铺机BF 300 C为中国首台宝马格摊铺机,该机在4月份参与了北京延庆辉煌国际会议度假中心内沥青路面的摊铺工作,并以优异的摊铺质量,良好的可操作性获得了用户及业主的认可和赞誉.

  The Bomag paver BF 300 C in the photo is the first unit in China. The machine has paved the asphalt road inside Beijing Yanqing Huihuang International Meeting and Vacation Center in April. And it was accepted and got good praise with excellent paving quality and easy operation.

  该工程为在建高尔夫球场内的联络线路面摊铺工程,宽度2.6米,长度5公里, 道路弯曲并有起伏的自然坡度. 摊铺厚度为4厘米厚的热沥青混合料.该工程使用一台宝马格履带式摊铺机BF 300 C和一台自重为4.2t的宝马格BW 138 AD双钢轮振动压路机进行摊铺和压实工作.摊铺机预压密实度达90%以上.

  The engineering is link road inside a new Gold course, width 2.6m, length 5 km, curve road with natural slope. Paving depth 4 cm, hot asphalt mixture. One Bomag crawler type paver BF 300 C and one Bomag tandem drum vibratory roller BW 138 AD with operating weight 4.2 t was applied for this project. The prior density after paver is more than 90%.

  宝马格BF 300 C摊铺机具有以下特点:









  Main features of Bomag paver BF 300 C

  -easy operation,auger height/speed adjustable

  -operation stands could slide 40 cm, to ensure operator good visibility

  -conveyor blet speed adjustable automatic or manual

  -the max. hopper capacity in same class paver to reduce down time

  -Engine Kubota with Bomag particular ECOMODE technology, big power and low fuel consumption

  -screed extendable, with electric or gas heating, with vibrator and tamper

  -other levelling system and sensors could be installed

  -easy to maintenance, the engine and main hydraulic components are accessble when standing in ground,with central lubrication system and central electrical system, the maintenance and repair is easy.

  BF 300 C主要技术参数:

  工作重量: 8,000 kg

  摊铺宽度: 1.7-4.0 m

  料斗容量: 4.8 m3

  发动机功率: 55.4 kW

  BF 300 C Main technical data:

  Operating weight: 8,000 kg

  Paving width: 1.7-4.0 m

  Hopper capacity: 4.8 m3

  Engine power: 55.4 kW

  照片中为进入中国的首台宝马格铣刨机BM 2000/60-2. 该机器目前服务于新疆交通系统.

  铣刨机是宝马格为市场提供的又一高生产率高可靠性的设备.该设备为宝马格2米铣刨机的第2代产品. 该产品充分体现了宝马格为用户着想的一贯原则.例如加大的水箱,能够在工地施工是长时间工作而不需要加水,精准的铣刨工作,液压侧板可清除堆积的废料,保证准确的深度测量和表面.提高了驾驶员的舒适度,例如大容量的储存柜,整齐的工作环境.隔振的工作平台,简明的操作面板.

  The first unit Bomag planer BM 2000/60-2 had entered China and serves for Xinjiang transportation system. The planer is another equipment with high productivity and reliability which Bomag supplies for market. This is the second generation of 2m class planer. The equipment has reflected that Bomag thinks more for customer, for example, the enlarged water tank, so water refilling is not needed to increase working time, precise milling due to hydraulic side plate could clean wastes to ensure accurate depth measurement and surface, more comfortable for operator, for example the bigger storage compartment, uncluttered work are. Vibration-insulated operator.’s platform and simple operation panel.

  BM 2000/60-2主要技术参数:

  铣刨宽度: 2,000 mm

  铣刨深度: 0-320 mm

  刀齿数量: 168把

  发动机: Deutz TCD 2015

  功率: 440 kW

  工作重量: 30,300 kg

  工作速度: 0-40 m/min

  Main technical data BM 2000/60-2

  Milling depth: 2,000 mm

  Milling width: 0-320 mm

  Quantity of cutting teeth: 168 pcs

  Engine: Deutz TCD 2015

  Power: 440 kW

  Operating weight: 30,300 kg

  Working speed: 0-40 m/min


  Bomag expands its Shanghai factory currently, and will finish next February. The floor space will be double and it is the biggest of foreign brand compaction manufacturer in China. The expanded factory increase productivity and thus Bomag could supply more and better products in shorter time to Chinese, Aisa/Pacific region and customer around world, and the in-time service as well. And there will be Bomag Asia Technology Centre, which will supply local research, training, visitor centre etc. And there will be grand opening ceremony in February and you are welcome to this ceremony.

  宝马格产品介绍 - BICES 2011

  14吨智能型双钢轮压路机 –BW 203 AD-4 AM-领先的压实技术


  14t Intelligent Heavy Tandem Roller – BW 203 AD-4 AM-leading compaction technology

  High compaction ability, reliability and operation safety are the core value of BOMAG products. The Asphalt Manager tandem drum vibratory roller is the application of BOMAG automatic compaction energy output on asphalt compaction. The vibration direction can be adjust from vertical to horizontal infinitely variable by this directed vibration system, and it optimized compaction process, and the density and asphalt temperature was detected real time by detecting device. BOMAG intelligent tandem drum vibratory roller fulfills working requirements of different compaction job, such as bridge surface, near building, etc. and it supplies the perfect management to compaction, thus improved the compaction quality and efficiency.

  新型宝马格BVP系列单向平板夯 - 高性价比

  BVP是宝马格高性价比单向平板夯的简称: 在新型的BVP产品上仍保留着宝马格成功产品所拥有的简单而实用的设计。该系列产品上采用了可折叠的扶手,收起时所占空间小,方便运输及存放。这个系列包括两款型号的产品,展示的是其中一款, BVP 18/45,其工作重量为91公斤,离心力为18千牛。

  New BOMAG BVP Single Direction Vibratory Plates - More value for less money

  The abbreviation BVP stands for BOMAG Value Plate. The new BVP plates offer many features found on other successful BOMAG models with a simple design concept. These plates even come with a folding handle for easy transportation and/or storage.The series includes two models, which one was displayed, BVP 18/45, with operating weights 91 kg and 18kN centrifugal force.


  在这款宝马格最悠久的产品上更能体现宝马格产品安全,实用的设计特点.例如可以零距离贴边压实,手柄可折叠,手柄带防倒车保护,并率先做出3-2-1的质量承诺.即激振系统3年质保,发动机2年质保,其它部分1年质保.该产品广泛应用在道路,水利,市政,园林工程中.展示的BW 65 H其工作重量为757公斤,激振力为22千牛.

  BOMAG hand-guided double drum roller-practical equipment for maintenance

  The safe, practical features was reflected on this model which with the longest history in BOMAG. For example, with side-clearance for compaction along edge, with foldable handle, with back-up protection, and service guarantee of 3-2-1, i.e. 3 years guarantee for vibration system, 2 years for engine, 1 year for other. The product was widely used on road, hydropower, civil engineering. The displayed BW 65 H with operating weight 757 kg, centrifugal force 22 kN.


  For more BOMAG product information please visit www.bomag.com

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