This powerful attachment puts concrete right where you want it. Depending on hose length and diameter, and conditions such as slump, additives and aggregate size and type, this powerful attachment can pump concrete as far as 250 feet horizontally and up to two stories vertically. The hose is easily routed through small openings, under decks, through bushes and around other common obstructions. This helps reduce damage to turf and underground utilities caused by using large concrete trucks.
With a standard hydraulic flow loader, the pump can place concrete up to 20 cubic yards per hour. A high-flow loader can place concrete up to 28 cubic yards per hour.
Standard features include protective splash guards to minimize concrete splatter, grab handle and expanded metal walkway for easy loader entry and exit, and swiveled control panel for convenient operation from either side of the pump.
For the name of the nearest Bobcat dealer, visit
Source: Associated Construction Publications
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