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The Ausa M300H: Maximum Versatility and Productivity
www.ecran-design.com   2009-08-10  中国江南正规平台
导读:The AUSA M300H responds to a rapidly growing trend towards acquiring a single vehicle to perform multiple tasks. This tendency represents significant savings for companies and local administratio ...

The AUSA M300H responds to a rapidly growing trend towards acquiring a single vehicle to perform multiple tasks. This tendency represents significant savings for companies and local administrations.

One of the major advantages afforded by AUSA vehicles is the possibility of incorporating a variety of tools to perform multiple tasks. AUSA’s Area Manager, Jordi Ródenas, points out that “this is one of the most important features of our multipurpose vehicles". In effect, the capacity of AUSA’s vehicles to be fitted with a variety of attachments represents a “powerful sales feature” thanks to the fact that, with a well-chosen combination, “a single machine can provide multiple solutions”. Ródenas added that this aspect is not only useful to professional operators, in that it eliminates the need for them to keep changing machines, it also contributes to saving space and "most importantly, it offers considerable cost savings”.

One of AUSA’s most important achievements in the multiservice sector has been the design and production of the M300H, a vehicle that can be fitted with eight different tools, “allowing one machine to do the work of several". Ródenas also points out that with this type of vehicle, customers save on maintenance that would otherwise have to be performed on several machines and, in addition, they only need to take out one insurance policy and pay a single motor vehicle tax.


In Spain, these advantages are especially appreciated, although an increasing number of countries are now beginning to focus on versatility as a key factor in their purchase decision. According to Ródenas, when a variety of needs can be handled using a single chassis and an adequate selection of tools, “companies and local administrations are increasingly favoring this alternative”. City Councils, consortiums and maintenance and service companies in general are some of the sectors most inclined towards using these vehicles, “which offer added value by providing new services, such as cutting brush along roads and snow removal on streets and avenues, without entailing major investments in specific vehicles for each of these tasks”, adds Ródenas.

Proof of this is evidenced by the large number of city councils choosing to acquire this kind of vehicle. One of the most recent customers to discover the efficiency of this Multiservice machine is the Town Council of Bruc (Barcelona). For this town, the ease in switching tools and the enormous versatility of the machine “were determining factors in making the decision”. In this manner, with efficient planning, the Town Council will personally take charge of the management of all the services, from street cleaning to brush removal, along with pruning the city’s trees, in addition to transporting tools and equipment thanks to the three-sided tipping box with a capacity of 2,500 kg, plus “an endless number of possibilities available in just one machine” concludes Ródenas.

In addition to making a wide variety of functions available to professionals, the machine features top of the line technical components. Its 105 CV VOLKSWAGEN 2.0 TDI engine, with the lowest emissions on the market (EURO IV) and a streamlined exceptionally robust chassis, along with the full line of AUSA innovations, allow it to handle any task for which it has been specifically designed with no problem. Likewise, its powerful hydraulic engine allows it to be fitted with any of the tools and to carry out tasks with complete safety and maximum comfort.


The ergonomic cabin design is a feature that is highly valued by operators. Furthermore, the quality of the interior design and attention to details will pleasantly surprise anyone seeing the vehicle for the first time. A machine designed to captivate, that aspires to become a benchmark in its sector. The wide range of equipment it is able to carry helps contribute to its success:

- Vacuum sweeper with a capacity of 3 m3, and a 600 liter water tank that can travel at speeds of 65 km/h.

- Washing bar with a 2,000 liter water tank with a bar that can be controlled from the cabin.

- Platform with a basket that can carry 2 people, with a working height of 15 meters (detachable).

- Front bush cutter with a reach of 3 meters.

- Snowplough shovel/snowplough sweeper/snowplough blade

- Salt spreader

- Trilateral tipping box with a capacity of 2,500 kg.

- Garbage collector with a capacity of 3.5 m3.

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